get on the waitlist for

the 'eat to lean'
group coaching program

Are you ready to learn exactly how to eat to finally look like you work out? Eat to Lean is a brand new group nutrition program for active women who want to be stronger, get fit and feel more toned by eating the food their body needs.


Reset your nutrition and develop better habits while engaging in effective training. Learn the macro-balanced eating approach to regulate hormones, which is key to becoming strong and lean. Get macro targets and start eating more (yes, more!) to see the changes you want to see in your body. Identify an effective training program to put those calories to work in building your best shape.


Fine-tune your macros to build lean muscle, improve metabolism and balance hormones. Learn which lifestyle habits lead to lean muscle gain and fat loss and exactly how to make measurable improvements in this area. Work to resolve hormonal issues that might be standing in your way of seeing results, such as estrogen dominance, insulin resistance, and cortisol imbalance


Continue to refine your diet as the physical changes you’ve been working toward are revealed. Adjust calories and macros slightly to see definition in your shape, but not so much that you feel risk metabolic or hormonal disaster. (This is key!) Make a plan for future macro adjustments so you understand exactly how to maintain your results. Learn how to hack your tendencies and never rely on willpower again.

about your coach, Emily Field RD

Hey - I have been exactly where you are.

Active and strong, but no muscle definition to show for it. At a healthy weight, but carrying more body fat than I felt comfortable...

A mix of tired, sluggish and hangry even when I was eating the “right” foods...

It wasn’t until I started focusing on macronutrients and eating enough that I completely turned my relationship with food around — and started seeing changes in the way I feel, look and perform.

Now, I effortlessly maintain a weight, body shape and size that makes me feel confident. I understand how to intuitively eat to my needs without tracking everyday. And I work out in a way that works with my goals, not against them!

All this is possible for you, too.

join the waitlist to get more information + qualify for a special offer

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